April Fools’ Day, or “El Día de los Santos Inocentes” in Spanish, is a fun and playful holiday that is celebrated in many Spanish-speaking countries. Whether you’re looking to prank your friends and family or just want to learn some new Spanish words and phrases, here are 5 Spanish words and phrases to celebrate April Fools’ Day in Spanish.
Bromas – The Spanish word for “jokes,” “bromas” is an essential word to know if you’re planning on pranking someone on April Fools’ Day. For example, you might say “¡Vamos a hacer algunas bromas divertidas!” which means “Let’s play some funny jokes!”
Inocente – The word “inocente” means “innocent” in Spanish, and it’s a common word used on April Fools’ Day to refer to the people who fall for the jokes. You might hear someone say “¡Eres un inocente!” which means “You’re so innocent!” after they’ve successfully pulled off a prank.
Engañar – The Spanish verb “engañar” means “to deceive” or “to trick,” and it’s a useful word to know when planning your April Fools’ Day pranks. For example, you might say “Voy a engañar a mi hermana con esta broma” which means “I’m going to trick my sister with this joke.”
Burla – The word “burla” means “mockery” or “ridicule” in Spanish, and it’s a common word used to describe April Fools’ Day pranks. For example, you might hear someone say “Esta broma es una burla” which means “This joke is a mockery.”
Travesura – The Spanish word “travesura” means “mischief” or “prank,” and it’s a fun word to use when planning your April Fools’ Day shenanigans. For example, you might say “¡Vamos a hacer algunas travesuras divertidas!” which means “Let’s make some fun pranks!”
Learning Spanish with us here at Ready For Spanish is no joking matter but these 5 Spanish words and phrases can help you learn Spanish while celebrating April Fools’ Day. So, have fun and remember to be a good sport if you find yourself on the receiving end of a prank!