
5 Ways to Compliment Your Kids in Spanish

Celebrating National Compliment Day

January 23rd is National Compliment Day here in the United States. National Compliment Day is a special day to recognize the special people in our lives and a great opportunity to show your children how much you appreciate and value them.

In honor of this special day, we are sharing five Spanish compliments that are sure to make your kiddos day.

#1 “Estoy muy orgulloso/a de ti.” (I am very proud of you.)

#2 “Eres muy valiente.” (You are very brave.)

#3 “Eres muy creativo/a.” (You are very creative.)

#4 “Eres muy divertido/a y alegre.” (You are very fun and joyful.)

#5 “Eres muy bondadoso/a y compasivo/a.” (You are very kind and compassionate.)

Complimenting your kids in Spanish is an awesome way to encourage them to continue learning and using the language. These compliments focus on the child’s courage, creativity, sense of fun and joyfulness, and kindness and compassion. It is important to remind children that they are valued and appreciated, and it can boost their self-esteem, self-worth and overall well-being.

Want to learn even more Spanish with your kids? Click here to get your FREE Ready For Spanish lesson and flashcard set.


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